Here’s How Virtual Reality Can Manage Pain At Home

3 November 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you've been living with chronic pain, you may feel like you've tried everything. You might have been trying medications, therapies, and even devices to help you find relief. The answer to some of your pain could lie in virtual reality (VR). Virtual reality is beginning to be used for at-home therapeutic sessions to reduce physical pain. Are you uncertain how virtual reality could help you manage your pain? Here's what you should know. Read More …

When Are Brain Performance Tests Most Useful?

28 July 2022
 Categories: , Blog

There are various types of tests that can be done to measure how well a person's brain is functioning. Brain performance tests, or cognitive tests, are performed in various ways by healthcare providers. There are also unofficial tests that can be done at home that can be surprisingly accurate and helpful, although you should always follow up with a doctor after performing one of these tests at home for their insight. Read More …

Keeping Wound Care Supplies Organized At Home

12 January 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Home medical supplies can allow someone to transition from spending time in the hospital to healing at home with skilled nursing support. However, family members assisting with the care may find the sheer amount of supplies needed for wound care in particular to pose a small storage challenge. Organizing the supplies is essential so the right dressings are available when they're needed most. Try these tips to keep a collection of wound care supplies organized in the home. Read More …